
If your child already attends a secondary school, but you would like them to move to a different one, you can apply to change schools (also known as an In-Year Transfer). To apply for an in-year transfer, you can do this via North Somerset Council School Admissions Team. The quickest and easiest way to apply for a school place is online and to do this you will need to set up an account on the North Somerset Council Citizens Portal, their online admissions system. Depending on what you have stated as communication preference, North Somerset Council School Admissions will either email you or post a letter to let you know the outcome of your application. If you are happy with your allocated school place, you will need to accept it - online applicants can email their response. Paper applicants can fill in the response form, which will be included in your outcome letter, and post it back to the North Somerset Council School Admissions Team, or email them the response.

If you do not get the school place you want, you can be put on a waiting list for your preferred school(s) and you can appeal. Information on how to do this will be included in your application outcome.

Apply Online - North Somerset Council School Admissions

North Somerset Council Admissions Appeal Process and Timetable

North Somerset Council
Children and Young People’s Services
School Admissions and Transport Team

Town Hall
BS23 1UJ

Tel No: 01275 884078
Fax No: 01275 884753

The Priory Learning Trust (TPLT) Admission Policies

TPLT North Somerset Admissions Arrangements 2024/25

TPLT North Somerset Admissions Arrangements 2025/26

TPLT North Somerset Admission Arrangements 2025/26

If you have any further queries or questions, please contact the Priory Admissions Lead, Chloe Hayzen

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7: Applying for a Secondary School place

Priory Community School’s admission arrangements for the Year 7 new intake are in conjunction with the North Somerset Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for new intake secondary admissions.

New intake applications can be made online or on paper and should be submitted to your home council. If you live in North Somerset, you should apply to:

2025-26 Year 7 appeals timetable

Parent/Carer A-Z 2024 - 25