Our big ideas in Computing are:
Click here for details on the Big Ideas.
See below for the Computing Learning Journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and the overviews for each Learning Cycle. They explain our planned curriculum of what students are expected to learn.
Year 7 Learning Cycles
Computer Systems
Programming with KODU
Programming with Micro:Bits
Year 8 Learning Cycles
App design and development
Python programming using Turtle
Business Studies
Year 9 Learning Cycles
Python programming
IT skills for life
Advanced computer systems
Computing in the real world
Year 10 - Information Technology (J836) - Learning Cycles
Unit R050:
IT in the digital world
Unit R060:
Data manipulation using spreadsheets
Unit R060:
Data manipulation using spreadsheets
Unit R070:
Using augmented reality
Year 10 - Enterprise & Marketing (J837) - Learning Cycles
Unit R068:
Market research and profiles
Unit R068:
Product design and feedback
Unit R068:
Financial viability and risks
Unit R069:
Branding and Marketing
Year 10 - Business - Learning Cycles
Business in the real world
Influences on business
Business operations
Human Resources
Year 10 - Computer Science (J277) - Learning Cycles
Component 1
Networks and Computer Hardware
Component 1
Network security and System software
Component 1
Ethical, legal, environmental impact of technology
Component 2
Computational thinking, algorithms and programming.
Year 11 - Information Technology (J836) - Learning Cycles
Using augmented reality
IT in the digital world
IT in the digital world review
Year 11 - Enterprise & Marketing (J837) - Learning Cycles
Unit R069:
Pitching a business proposal
Unit R067:
Characteristics, risks and reward for enterprise
Factor to consider when starting a business
Year 11 - Business - Learning Cycles
Exam preparation
Year 11 - Computer Science - Learning Cycles
Programming project
Component 1
Component 2
You can find our Computing KS3 knowledge organisers and support with KS3 home learning here.
The key contact for this subject is Mr M Hodder - Central Leader for Computing (
For more information about KS4 revision and study support visit our pages on revision and Prep for Success / Easter School.
Preparing for KS4 study (GCSE and vocational qualifications in years 10 and 11)? Click here for information about the Year 9 Options Process.
To find out more about our careers provision, visit the careers webpage.