Our big ideas in History are:
Click here for details on the Big Ideas.
See below for the History Learning Journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and the overviews for each Learning Cycle. They explain our planned curriculum of what students are expected to learn.
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You can find our History KS3 knowledge organisers and support with KS3 home learning here.
The key contact for this subject is Mr N Phelan - Head of History (nick.phelan@pcsa.theplt.org.uk)
For more information about KS4 revision and study support visit our pages on revision and Prep for Success / Easter School.
Preparing for KS4 study (GCSE and vocational qualifications in years 10 and 11)? Click here for information about the Year 9 Options Process.
To find out more about our careers provision, visit the careers webpage.
Year 7 Learning Cycles
Invasion & Conquest
How did William gain control of England? In this topic students will study the contest to gain the English crown in 1066
Medieval Monarchy
How well did Medieval Monarchs keep control? We will focus on the relationship between monarchs the people – as well as different methods of control.
Tudor England
What do the Tudors reveal about the past? We will focus on the significance of the Tudor monarchs, including their actions and impact.
English Civil War
What happened during the English Civil Wars? We will focus on the cause of the wars and also they key events. We will go further to understand the importance for the future of England.
Year 8 Learning Cycles
Empire & Slavery
Was the British Empire a force for good? We will focus on the actions of the British Empire and how this linked in to the slave trade
Industrial Revolution
To what extent did the Industrial Revolution change Britain? We will focus on the key events of the Industrial Revolution and consider the impact/change made through these significant events.
World Wars
What are the causes and consequences of a total war? We will focus on the causes, key events and the consequences of WW1 and WW2
Women in History
What have been the key turning points shaping attitudes towards women? We will focus on the actions and contributions of significant female historical figures
Year 9 Learning Cycles
The Holocaust
What was the Holocaust? We will focus on different explanations from historians about which groups of people the term ‘Holocaust’ should refer to.
The Cold War
How close was the Cold War to becoming a World War? We will focus on a chronological narrative of the Cold War to understand the key events and to understand what these meant for international relations.
How has foreign intervention shaped Afghanistan? We will focus on the key events of Afghanistan’s history and understand how the actions of foreign powers has affected the Afghan people
Civil Rights
What was the turning point for Civil Rights? We will focus on the changing attitudes towards, and the rights given to, ethnic minorities in the USA and also in the UK.
Year 10 Learning Cycles
Medicine Through Time
You will study three main areas of this topic (Disease/infection, Surgery/Anatomy, Public Health) and you will cover time periods from 1250-Present day.
Medicine Through Time
The final section of this unit is on the British Sector of the Western Front – this will involve source skills work and will account for 10% of your final grade.
Early Elizabethan England
You will study the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth I from 1558-1588. Within this unit you will work to understand the challenges she faced as monarch
Early Elizabethan England
Students will be gaining an understanding of life in England throughout her reign
Year 11 Learning Cycles
Weimar & Nazi Germany
You will study Germany from 1919 – 1939. In this unit you will learn about the challenges facing Germany after WW1 and how the Nazi Party and Hitler came to power in Germany.
Weimar & Nazi Germany
The Cold War
Once the Nazis are in power, you will learn how they kept control of Germany. This unit will focus on the use of sources and interpretations to understand and make judgements on history.
The Cold War
This unit focuses largely around the ideas of Communism and Capitalism and how the spread, or containment of these ideas constantly led to increasing or decreasing tensions across the world.