Our big ideas in Maths are:
Click here for details on the Big Ideas.
See below for the Maths Learning Journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and the overviews for each Learning Cycle. They explain our planned curriculum of what students are expected to learn.
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You can find our Maths KS3 knowledge organisers and support with KS3 home learning here.
The key contact for this subject is Miss Gibbons - Central Leader for Maths (
To revise for maths, students should use Sparx independent learning and past papers on MethodMaths.
Preparing for KS4 study (GCSE and vocational qualifications in years 10 and 11)? Click here for information about the Year 9 Options Process.
To find out more about our careers provision, visit the careers webpage.
Year 7 Learning Cycle
Algebra notation
Constructing and Measuring
Number Sense
Problem Solving
Fractions, Decimals
and % Probability
Geometric reasoning
Number Facts
Year 8 Learning Cycle
Ratio, Scale,
Proportion Fractions
and Sequences
Standard form
Data representations
Data Handling & Averages
Area and perimeter (Circles)
Year 9 Learning Cycle
Numbers and Indices
Brackets and
Compound Measure
Fractions, Decimals and %
Area/perimeter & 3D shapes
Surds (H),
Straight line graphs,
non-linear graphs (H), Inequalities
Year 10 Learning Cycle
Solving Equations
Ratio & Proportion
Pythagoras & Trigonometry
Transformations, Rounding,
Construction & Bearings
Averages, statistical diagrams,
sampling, surveys and evaluation
Year 9 & Year 10
Year 11 Learning Cycle
Area & perimeter and 3D shapes, Graphs &
Pythagoras & Trigonometry
Graphs and Graph Transformations
Non-Right Angle Trigonometry & Vectors
Circles, Sectors, Arcs, Spheres and Cones
Numbers, Similarity, Equations and Vectors
Circle Theorem, Advanced Fractions,
Functions, Proofs & Iterative Methods
Matrices, Differentiation, Factor theorem
Revision & preparations for exams