Battlefields Trip - Terms and Conditions

Battlefields Trip - Terms and Conditions

  1. Once you have received confirmation of your child’s place, a deposit of £100 must be received on Parent Pay by 29 January 2018. As this deposit is paid to the hostel and coach companies it is non-refundable.

  2. You will be required to use Parent Pay to make payments and to help spread the cost of the trip, an approximate schedule is set out below. Costs listed below are subject to alteration and addition depending on the uptake and exchange rate fluctuations. Figures have been supplied to enable you to work out affordability.

  3. The payment becomes overdue if it is not received by the end of the calendar month.

  4. If monthly interim payments are not met, this does not constitute a request to withdraw your child’s place from the trip. You must notify the school in writing at the earliest opportunity if

    you have any problems in making these payments.

  5. We expect the trip to be paid in full by 30 April 2018 to ensure we can fulfil our contractual

    obligations for the trip.


  1. Cancellation must be received by the school in writing.

  2. Cancellation costs are set out below:

  3. Deposits cannot be transferred from one trip to another trip should your son / daughter

    change their mind.


  1. The trip is insured by the school Insurers.

  2. You are required to notify the school if your child has any pre-existing medical conditions as

    they may not be covered.

  3. Electronic items such as cameras, mobile phones, digital media players, small games consoles

    etc are not covered by the school insurance. These are taken at the owner’s risk.


1. The school reserves the right to exclude from the trip a pupil whose behaviour has given concern at any stage during the academic year.

Maven ConsultancyYear 7