Curriculum Update from the Vice Principal

Dear Parent/Carer

We are excited to start Cycle 2 of our modular curriculum on Monday 26th November 2018.

Homework booklets will be uploaded to our website and hard copies of the booklets will be made available that consolidate the learning your child will complete in lessons.

The research between homework completion and progress at secondary school is very strong and we want to give all of our students the very best chances of making progress and securing positive outcomes. With this in mind, we are having a real focus on homework from Cycle 2 onward.

Each student will receive their own homework folder provided by the Academy to keep all of their homework booklets in (except Science who use online software). Students will be expected to have their homework booklets and the folder with them every school day. Homework will be set by the teacher in line with the learning cycles and a copy of the booklets will be on our website for your information.

If a child does not complete homework for the completion date, they will receive an after-school detention the next school day with a member of the Leadership Team. A text message will be sent using our Class Charts system for communication.

We have developed our curriculum to offer the best educational routes for all of our students in preparing them for the future and achieving the best outcomes possible. Part of the offer will be the option process we are preparing for our current Year 9 students. Our curriculum includes the subjects and lessons, but also P6e activities, trips, sports experiences and guest speakers. The positive experience for the students in all areas of school is paramount to our curriculum design.

We follow four 9-week learning cycles per year group which builds on previous learning. Each of the cycles has specific homework linked to the lessons to extend learning and homework has been proven to have a huge impact on progress for all students. We are firmly committed to being a homework school to support our students and their outcomes.

Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of our school and our relentless drive for the very best educational experience for all students at Priory.

I would always welcome your feedback regarding homework and curriculum, so please do not hesitate to contact me with your views.

Best wishes

Richard Uffendell

Vice Principal