Y11s! Fuel your brain before your exam with a free breakfast...

When you’re faced with a pile of revision, feeding your body as well as your brain may be the last thing on your mind… but research from the BBC shows that students who eat breakfast perform better in exams.

On the following dates a brain-boosting breakfast will be available to our Y11s so they can fuel up before their exam. Go to the restaurant for 7.30am to get yours!

  • Thursday 16 May

  • Tuesday 21 May

  • Thursday 23 May

  • Tuesday 4 June

  • Thursday 6 June

  • Friday 7 June

  • Tuesday 11 June

  • Wednesday 12 June

  • Friday 14 June

And don’t forget to stay hydrated! One of the best ways to maximise your focus is to stay hydrated. Even mild dehydration can lead to tiredness, headaches, reduced alertness and diminished concentration.

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