Half-term Revision Sessions for Y11s

PCSA extra revision sessions for Y11s

Dear Parents/Carers

During the summer exam period lots of our Y11s request extra provision and support from their teachers.

Sessions not only run before and after school but staff also volunteer their own time at weekends and during the half term holiday.

You will find below a timetable detailing all of the sessions being delivered. Please note that this list will be constantly updated as teachers often put on last minute opportunities at the request of students.

Students are not required to wear school uniform if a session is taking part at the weekend or in half term but will be expected to provide their own lunch (if an all day activity) and arrange their own transport. Students must sign in and out at main reception on the sheets provided and head to the location detailed on the timetable.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me on ian.shopland@pcsa.org.uk or telephone 01934 511411.

Kind regards

Ian Shopland

Assistant Principal