Curriculum Enrichment Days - 15 & 16 July 2019

The final two enrichment days of this year are taking place on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 July. The schedule of events is:

For Chepstow Castle and Cardiff Museum please wear normal school uniform.

For Rivers, please wear practical and sensible outdoor clothing for possible muddy conditions, including wellington boots/old trainers (for wearing in the river) spare socks plus a black bag for possible wet clothes.

For Battlefields activities in school, there may be an element of physical activity, for this reason your child should wear PE kit, joggers and trainers for the day.

Please remember to bring a packed lunch for activities away from school (free school meals provided as usual), a waterproof coat if the weather is wet, extra water and sun protection if the weather is hot. Please note packed lunches must not contain fizzy drinks or glass bottles.

There may be congestion at the start and end of the school day due to coaches going out and returning from school trips. Please do not park your cars on the double yellow lines at the front of the school as this will restrict coach access. If your child is able to walk to and from school this would help ease any possible congestion.

Thank you for your support.