Head of Year is helping men’s mental health by joining Movember

November 10, 2020

By Jill Dando News

Jake Caulfield, Head of Year 9 at Priory Community School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, has already raised over £725 and wants to raise the awareness for mental health in men.

He is doing a “Mo for a Bro” and is currently doing a physical challenge of completing 60km a week by running, walking or cycling in aid to gain donations for this charity. 

His charity aims began after two people he knew tried to take their own lives – and he is eager for other men to come forward to share their problems to others.

Jake is current Head Coach at North Petherton RFU  and has played rugby for England and Ireland, as well as Bath and Ulster.

Jake, left, with PCSA Principal Angelos Markoutsas

He said: “Help me stop men dying too young. Encourage all men to be brave and speak up and seek the help they need.

“The 60km highlights the 60 men that we lose to suicide every hour around the world who may be avoiding speaking to someone about how they are feeling. 

“Two very close people to me tried to take their own lives because they were scared they wouldn’t be understood or helped. 

“They were embarrassed to say they suffered inside. Once recovered they understood that people were there to help them, especially those close to them.”

To give to Jake’s cause click https://movember.com/m/jakecaulfield?mc=1 

Jake trained as a teacher with The Priory Learning Trust. Please contact www.theplt.org.uk for more details about teacher training within TPLT. 

Mo for a Bro - Jake Caulfield
Stephanie Munro