GCSE Results 2020 - Message from PCSA

Thursday 20, 2020 was a Results Day like no other; there was no Percy Priory meeting and greeting our students, no joint celebrations between students and staff and the far corner of the school was relatively quiet this year without the customary ice-cream van.  Indeed, very strange times. 

​However, the essence of results day was unchanged. Our two priorities were as they are every year: to support students on to the next stage of their education or training, and to celebrate the hard work and achievement of our Year 11 students. It was extremely rewarding to see that the vast majority of PCSA students had secured a place at the institution and course of their choice. It was also a relief to hear that our students, while appropriately cynical about the way the exams process had been managed nationally, were very happy with their results – and felt that the grades they received did reflect their effort and accomplishment.

​Principal Mr Markoutsas said, “I am incredibly proud of what our Year 11 students have achieved and of the way they have handled the additional challenges that the last five months have given them. We are thrilled for them that the great majority have achieved the grades needed to carry on to the next stages of their academic or vocational choices.  I want to congratulate them all for their resilience and support during some challenging times for all.  I am sure you will all be very successful with your future personal and professional lives. Also, I would like to thank all of my colleagues here at PCSA for their hard work, dedication and support to this group of students for the past five years”.

GCSE Results 2020
GCSE Results 2020
GCSE Results 2020
Stephanie Munro