Upcoming Event: Non-school Uniform Day - Friday 19 November 2021

As mentioned in the Principal’s Weekly Bulletins, we will be holding a Non-school Uniform Day on Friday 19 November 2021. This will be raising money for two great causes; Children in Need and, our 2021 TPLT Charity of the Year, Brain Tumour Research.


This year cash donations do not need to be brought into school. Please see the information below to pay your £1 donation online directly to the charity, you are welcome to donate to one or both of the charities.

 ·         Children in Need: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=5048

·         Brain Tumour Research: Pay to Brain Tumour Research (Sort Code 60-02-09 / Account Number 84040319). Use the TPLT unique reference number is 1150674

Stephanie Munro