Year 11 15-Week Revision Plan Booklet

Thursday 27 January

Dear Parents / Carers

Please see linked below a 15-Week Revision Plan booklet that we have put together to support Year 11 students as they approach their final exams in May and June.

Year 11 15-Week Revision Plan Booklet

Effective revision is an essential ingredient in exam success.  To ensure that revision is effective students need to have a plan to make sure they cover all of the topics that might come up in their exams.  The attached booklet aims to give them structure by suggesting revision topics, resources and activities for each week between next week and the start of the summer exam series in May.  Some students will already be in good revision habits and have their own plans in place.  However, if students require any help structuring their revision they should find this booklet extremely helpful.

There is further advice and guidance, about revision and how to use this booklet, in a letter to students towards the front of the booklet itself.  Students will also be given a paper copy in assembly today.

Please let me or any subject teachers know if you have any questions about your child’s revision.

Yours sincerely


Mr. J Edwards

Assistant Principal

Stephanie Munro