Year 10 Work Experience 2023

Year 10 families!

Thank you very much for supporting Year 10 Work Experience.

Completed forms have been returned to school and we are in daily communication with Careers South West who manage contact with all employers to run health and safety assessments on our behalf.

Next steps prior to work experience week:

  • Your child will bring a copy of their completed work experience form home. These will be handed out in tutor time next week.

  • Your child will need to make contact with their employer by phone, Email or face to face to check in during the weeks before work experience just to confirm that everything is still in place and as a reminder of location, working hours, dress code etc.

  • Miss Silmon and I will reach out to all employers to check in from a school point of view. We will speak to families directly if there are any issues that need to be discussed.

  • Students will also take a work experience log book home to complete during their 4 days of work experience. There is plenty of space for employer comments too.

During work experience week:

  • Students attend their placement as agreed. It is a great opportunity to build confidence and skills.

  • Students should take a little time at the end of every day to complete their log book.

  • Illness or absence? Please contact the employer AND school absence line.

  • School staff will either visit in person or speak to every employer over the phone to check on progress throughout the week.

  • On the last day of work experience, we really recommend that employers receive a ‘thank you’ card as a kind gesture from students.

Following work experience week:

  • Students who successfully complete their work experience week will receive a certificate and a record of achievement folder.

  • The school will reach out to the supporting work experience employers to pass on our thanks and to gather further feedback.

  • Students with exceptional employer references will be given special recognition in a celebration assembly.

  • They return to classes as normal for the rest of the school year with the addition of a full college taster day and an employer interview day to help them develop their skills and confidence even more.

Any questions, please email

Thank you again for supporting work experience.


Jodie Silmon

PCSA Careers Advisor

Stephanie Munro