PCSA Summer School Briefing

During the summer holidays of 2021, Priory Community School - An Academy (PCSA) opened its doors to over 330 students for ‘Summer School’, from the then cohort of Year 7s, Year 8s and the new cohort of Year 7s who arrived in September 2021: The school was a buzz of activity, life, and joy for the three weeks during the August break. 

Students got the chance to meet their new form tutors and fellow tutees as well as meet some of their new teachers and socialise with their peers. A variety of activities were on offer throughout the three weeks, including archery, laser tag, skateboarding, a climbing wall, team building, Survival Day and Expedition Day.

Students were greeted every morning in the hall for a year group activity before heading off to their other enrichment activities. Some of the comments shared by the students as they reflected on the week, stated that “it was really fun”, “there were lots of experiences led by different people”, “it was really useful to be able to find and learn about the school before starting!”. 

Not only was the week a huge success for students, but staff members also thoroughly enjoyed meeting, getting to know all of the students and taking part in the activities. New friendships were made, and an excellent week of fun was had by all!

Funding for the Summer School was received from the Department of Education to which PCSA benefitted to the value of £56,099.10. This covered the following costs:

  • Activities - £40,148

  • Voucher scheme for food and drink for students - £6,051.10

  • Staffing coverage £9,900

We would also like to thank all of those external providers who provided some of the activities that made these events possible and hugely successful!

Stephanie Munro