Upcoming Events for Year 11 Students

Dear Year 11 Parents/Carers and Students,

Please find below some information regarding upcoming events.

Year 11 Information Evening - Monday 14 March 2022

We are pleased to welcome Year 11 students and their families into the school for our upcoming Information Evening. This will be held on Monday 14 March 2022, 6.00 – 7.00pm.

 The evening will provide students and their families lots of information around the GCSE exam process, revision strategies and mental health and well-being support.

Year 11 Parents' Evening - Thursday 24 March 2022

As with previous Parents' Evening, this will be held online via School Cloud. We will be sending out all of the relevant information to you shortly so you can book appointments with your child's teachers.

Year 11 PPE Results Day - Thursday 24 March 2022

During breaktime on Thursday 24 March, we will be holding a Year 11 Results Day following the PPEs. This will be a great experience for Year 11s as it will be organised much like the National GCSE Results Day in August.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above dates, please do get in touch with Mrs. Petrou, Head of Year 11, (rhian.petrou@pcsa.org.uk).

Thank you.

Stephanie Munro